About Home Visits
Patients are generally seen at the surgery, however sometimes a home visit may be required if the patient cannot make it into surgery due to their medical condition. If a visit is needed, please, if possible, could all calls be made before 10.30am on the day.
Sick Children
We are aware of how worrying it can be to have a sick child . If you are concerned about your child, we will always see him / her the same day at the surgery.
We do ask that whenever possible you bring your child to the surgery rather than requesting a home visit.
A child will come to no harm being brought to the surgery and can usually be seen sooner (which sometimes is vital). Your co operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
It is always wise to keep a supply of children’s Paracetamol at home. Paracetamol reduces a child’s temperature, so should be given four hourly (maximum four doses in 24 hours) whenever a child has a temperature. This is the only treatment required in most minor illnesses in childhood.
If you are worried about your child, or if your child fails to improve in two to three days, it is worth bringing him or her to the surgery for a check.
Do I Need a Home Visit?
A GP visit is not needed for the following common symptoms:
Fevers, cough, sore throat, earache, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting, most cases of abdominal pain.
In these instances most patients are usually well enough to travel.
Remember it is not harmful to wrap up a child with a fever and bring them to the surgery.
Adults with common problems as above are also readily transportable to the doctor’s surgery.